Saturday, March 30, 2013

30 day Challenges

A commitment to my readers
Here are some of the smaller things I will do as part of my challenges
1. I will listen to Thich Nhat Hanh's "The Present Moment"
2. I will read Real Happiness by Sharon Salzberg and follow her advice
3. I will reread "Cultivating Compassion" or "The Joy of Living"
4. I will have a look at "Let Go" by Martine Bachelor
5. I will read something by a Jesuit Priest.
6. I will keep reading children's literature
7. I will try and exercise more
8. If I have time, I will read some Rohinton Mistry
9. I will blog on these things
 at some stage within the next 40 days.

What are you guys going to do?


  1. I note that you didn't put anything in there about paid work. I thought you might be interested in this interview that I heard today. You might have already read some of his books?

    1. Thank you Marcel. You are right. I haven't added any work relate goals. actually, I have read a lot but I haven't read this roman guy... is he from Italy? I checked out some of his stuff. Life lived with a little less self interest sounds like a pretty good idea. I Like this one. If anyone knows what my next step in trying to find fulfilling work could be, please let me know. Here's a concept... Think about what other people need, and try to give it to them. anyone taking this particular challenge up. there's only one of each of us so we tend to think we must be the most important one. When there are literally billions of other human beings, and how many other creatures. here's a question how many selfish genes are dependent on you, and your survival. billions probably, we are all kings and queens. every person you meet therefore must be royalty. let's act that way and give the other kings and queens a little more thought... There you are the human race is a society of kings and queens.. As are all of the other living creatures. Hard to think that way when I am still in love with tuna mayonnaise sandwiches, but logically, it must be true
